I am currently reading Amos...
Then, last night I went to a meeting with other folks who are working to combat human trafficking, specifically trafficking children for sex. This happens in Raleigh. There were several points in the meeting where I wanted to burst into tears or hit someone.
The sheer reality of our sin and brokenness is overwhelming.
And we are all a part of it.
I wonder if these reactions in my soul were a tiny glimpse into the heart of God. Sin leads to death... real consequences now... we can see it all around us... God intended a different reality... God wants to make things new...
I can't even begin to understand the anger and sorrow that our creator must feel.
Justice needs to happen.
We need to be a part of that.
Amos reminded the people of Israel and Judah, "Away with your noisy hymns of praise! I will not listen to the music of your harps. Instead, I want to see a mighty flood of justice, an endless river of righteous living." (5:23-24)
God was pretty much telling them that if things didn't change
they were going to be intensely wiped out.
I'm thankful that through Jesus we are forgiven already, but now we are somehow a part of God's plan for reconciliation... and Jesus will come back and judge later...? I still have a lot of questions on how all of this fits together...
I am content with the mystery.
For now.
But, what I do know is that our sin is serious and its important to deal with it.
Lets us this Advent Season to reflect and prepare for our Lord and King to come.
How might we be floods of justice and an endless river or righteous living?