Friday, April 18, 2008

What are we offering?

Last night at home group we had a great conversation! Thanks Jon!!

This morning I had a great conversation with my friend. Thanks George!!

I have been thinking a lot about what the 'gospel' is... then my dad sent me this article.

I don't necessarily ascribe to all of it, but this quote spoke to me:

Rick Richardson in his book Reimagining Evangelism, got it right: "The biggest missing piece in our understanding of the gospel has to do with our angle of vision." A kingdom angle gives an eschatological vision: God breaks into our world through Jesus to set all things right; and we can enter into God's rule by turning to God's way, putting our trust in Jesus, and becoming part of his special (covenant) people.

(I had to look up 'eschatology', if you click on it wikipedia will tell you all about it)

What does that quote say to you?


Anonymous said...

It means trusting that i am a part of His kingdom plan, and I can reach out to do my part because i trust in something that is infinitely more beautiful than what i see here in this world...i trust that there is deeper meaning than appears on the surface to most interactions and even in the smallest daily all of those things take on a kingdom significance and give my life meaning and purpose. I also trust that those things i experience that are beautiful and precious and noble and lovely are part of His kingdom here on earth, and i don't want to miss them. love, mom

Unknown said...

In contemporary fundamentalist culture over the last 100 years or so, eschatology has referred to end times- focusing on what will happen when Christ comes back, especially focused on who's in and who's out- usually with people flying away.

From a cultural perspective, there are tons of movies about the issue and a fascination about how the world will end.

From a first century perspective, eschatology had to more do with God's kingdom and presence breaking into the present than in the future. They had an eschatological expectation that God was going to break in and act to vindicate them over their enemies by establishing His Kingdom.

Jesus' announcement and embodiment of the Kingdom both fulfilled and expanded these expectations. Through his life, death, and resurrection, he ushered in God's reign in a way that will finally be realized when He returns.

NT Wright describes this as if there is a veil that will be lifted from our eyes where we will see God in everything as the world is recreated as God intended it be.

Whereas right now we can see God in bits and pieces through acts of love and compassion, experience His presence in our hearts and relationships, through beauty in creation, and His Scriptures, we still see through a glass dimly.

One day, we will see face to face.