Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Life is good today...

This morning after rushing around God was good to me... I met a friend for coffee and she was 45 minutes late. This meant that that I got to relax, reflect, pray, and do some work while enjoying my raisin bran muffin and coffee from Third Place.

The guys working at Third Place were a trip. One of them kept checking to see if I was smiling. Its good to remember that we have things to smile about.

Then I got to share joys and sorrows with a great friend. Sometimes our present moments look VERY bleak and like there is no end in sight. Why? What did I do wrong? How come I'm being punished somehow?

These are questions that a lot of us have at different times. Read the Psalms... it happens a lot!

Then NoFo was fun. Hot on the deck and very slow today, only $20. However, I got to have some great conversations and Sushi even came back to see me.

Now I'm going to color.


Shannon Smith said...

Sounds to my like the guy checking to see if you were smiling was flirting with you. Next time you should wear your "I'm Married" sign.

traci said...

He had a girl friend that he told me about. And, he was doing different random things like that to at least half of the customers. I think it was an innocent trying to brighten our days gesture.

Kim Smith said...

Reason #134 why I love Traci Rowe... "Now I'm going to color."

Anonymous said...

You truely exemplify the definition of a friend and everyone who can call you one is a lucky person.

traci said...

$20. Come on dear. Pick it up.

Shannon Smith said...


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