Tuesday, August 26, 2008

follow me...

I just finished reading Transforming Discipleship by Greg Ogden. I am going though where I put all of my sticky notes in order to figure out what is important for me personally in my work and what would be beneficial for me to share with others. I cam across this quote...

“Jesus allowed the disciples to live with conundrums. He intentionally set up mental train wrecks. Running on the same tracks toward each other were two diametrically opposed thoughts. No easy answers were provided, nor were there fill-in-the-blank workbooks. He wanted disciples who would have to think through the issues.” (p. 89)

This one made the good enough to share with others list :)

I think it struck me strongly because I have mental train wrecks on a regular basis. I will choose to follow Jesus. God, thank you that you won't let go of me.

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