Monday, September 8, 2008

Consider these ways of being

Today, I came across a list of several instructions that scripture gives us in treating each other... check them out here.

Have you seen these happen in any of your communities? Let's Celebrate!
Do you struggle with any of these? Let's encourage each other!


jennynaree said...

I think I need help judging people less and having more patience and I am probably best at carrying others burdens. This is really interesting and we could probably be reminded of these more!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this. I see these "ways to live" as the most valuable things in the bible. Wish we could all do a better job of applying them.

traci said...

my hope is that as I follow jesus I will grow in my ability to follow these ways. I believe that we are changed as we extend God's love to one another. I have seen this happen in my relationships with those around me.