Saturday, December 22, 2007

Reflection for the Day

For Paul, "grace" is shorthand for "what God has done in Christ Jesus"

I am reading a book by N.T. Wright that my brother gave me, and took this quote from day 16 while reflecting on what Christmas is all about.

What did God do through Jesus?
What does God continue do to through Jesus?

I don't profess to have all of the answers, but here a few of my thoughts at this time of year...

When Jesus came to earth he made God accessible to everyone. Before this individuals could not approach God without the fear of death or having to be perfectly ceremonially clean.... Jesus walked among people, Jesus broke all the rules of who to hang out with and what was most important, Jesus was a friend to the average... Grace through Jesus...

As a baby Jesus was vulnerable, God made a sacrifice to come here and be a part of the world, Jesus was a baby, he probably had colds, he probably got dirty, he wore sandels, he went through the Jewish school system... His birthday... Christmas... Grace coming "down"...

Jesus knows what its like to be betrayed, lonely, hurting, abandoned, disappointed, loved, cared for, cherished, angry, and more... God identifies with us... grace through Jesus...

I could go on and on, but I won't here... please post your thoughts on what God is doing through Jesus... Merry Christmas!

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